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Ultimate DSP Solutions
  Ultimate DSP Solutions

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MicroLAB Systems is a Member of Xilinx Alliance ProgramMicroLAB Systems is a Member of Texas Instruments 3rd Party Network
MicroLAB Systems is an Executive Member of PICMG Open Modular Computing Standards Consortium PICMG Advanced Mezzanine Card (AdvancedMC, AMC) Specification
PICMG MicroTCA Specification




Beginning in '2022 and until further notice, English language website pages WILL NOT BE UPDATED to reflect newly released products and product lines due to international shipping and payment restrictions. Thank you for your understanding. Contact us for more information.


Featured Products

TORNADO-MTCA® Modular MicroTCA® DSP Systems with TORNADO-Axxx® AMC-modules
TORNADO-MTCA® Modular MicroTCA DSP Systems with TORNADO-A AdvancedMC (AMC) modules
TORNADO-Axxx and T/AX-DSFPX AMC-modules for MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA Systems
TORNADO-A® and T/AX AdvancedMC (AMC) modules for MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA DSP systems
TASDK software development tools for TORNADO-Axxx AMC-modules
TASDK®  Software Development Tools for TORNADO-A AdvancedMC (AMC) modules
TAMMC® SDK AMC MMC Software Development Kit
MIRAGE-UXF USB JTAG Emulator for Xilinx FPGA  

MIRAGE-UXF® USB JTAG Emulator for Xilinx FPGA

MIRAGE-NE1/NC2 Single/Dual-channel JTAG/MPSD Emulators for TI DSP and TI ARM
  MIRAGE-Nxx® JTAG/MPSD Emulators for TI TMS320 DSP


Customs Software and Hardware Design Service
  Custom Design service


15.02.2021  MicroLAB Systems released version 2B of its popular industry first TORNADO-A6678/FMC AdvancedMC (AMC) module with 8-core DSP, high-density Virtex-7 FPGA and FMC-site and new enhanced features. Learn more...

04.01.2021  MicroLAB Systems announces new high-speed MIRAGE-UXF USB JTAG emulator for Xilinx FPGA, MPSoC, RFSoC and SoC. Learn more...

03.02.2020  New updated specifications and functionality are announced for TORNADO-AZU+/FMC+ AdvancedMC (AMC) modules with Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC EG FPGA and FMC+ site. Learn more...

06.08.2019  New application paper "RTOS selection for TI TMS320C6678 DSP and TASDK software development tools for TORNADO-A6678x AdvancedMC (AMC) modules" is available (in Russian). The paper is recommended for all software engineers working with TI TMS320C6678 DSP.

07.05.2019  New Multi-platform TAMMC Gen2 SDK and TAMMC/ThreadX toolkit with ExpressLogic's ThreadX® industry-grade pre-certified RTOS are released for development of high-performance MMC firmware for demanding applications. New TAMMC Multi-platform EVM rev.2A is available. Learn more...

More news...


    © MicroLAB Systems, 1992-2024
last update: 12 Aug 2024 19:00